Please join me in raising money for the Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance. On September 13, 2022, Mike was in a car accident which was due to him having a seizure. He was brought to The Hospital of Central Connecticut and his CT Scan showed swelling in his head. A MRI was done and showed a 3mm primary neoplasm. Mike had surgery on September 19 with Dr. Brendon Killory at Hartford Hospital (he was transferred there for the surgery). The tumor ended up being 3 cm! Mostly grade 2 but 3 mm was grade 3. His surgeon was able to remove 100% of the Grade 3 tumor and 90% of the Grade 2. Five weeks after surgery, Mike started 6 weeks of radiation along with low dose chemo pills (180mg) called Temodar. The 2nd part of his treatment plan will be 12 cycles (5 days on, 23 days off) of full dose Temodar (480 mg) along with MRIs every 8 weeks for a year. He starter on January 5th. His first post radiation MRI was 1/3/23. The results.... NO RESIDUAL TUMOR!!! THANK GOD. Mike just had his 2nd MRI and again... NO TUMOR! He is an absolute trooper and has been a rock star these last 6 months. He has a fantastic medical team. Not only Dr. Killory but his radiation oncologist, Dr. Housman at the Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center in Waterbury and his neuro oncologist , Dr. Vredenburgh at St. FRANCIS Hospital in Hartford. His team has been nothing short of amazing. Mike has been nominated by Dr. Vredenburgh's team for the Courage Award at the CTBTA's Path of Hope 5k on May 6th. He has been chosen as 1 of 3 recipients! Please help me support Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance's great cause!