On March 8, 2020, dad passed away. His heart couldn't handle all the stress his body had endured in the last 3 months. We will miss him terribly. We still plan on making a presence at the race and fundraising up until the end! We also have tshirts that we are gathering orders for. Please email me at cswan10@gmail.com if you would like the link for the tshirt!! As dad always said, bye for now ❤
On February 2nd, dad starting having seizures again. They completed a ct scan and MRI that showed no growths 🙏 it also showed a bleed near the surgery sight that did not grow. It is a subdural hematoma which the body will reabsorb. He is now at Lord Chamberlain rehab and will be working with Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy. We thank you all for your love and prayers!! ❤
On Christmas eve 2019, dad suffered a fall and had several seizures after that. After testing, they found a 3.5 cm tumor on the left side of his brain. They removed the tumor on January 2, 2020. Unfortunately, we learned that the tumor was a Grade 4 Glioblastoma. The fight that he has in front of him is not going to he easy but as dad told the doctor- "if anyone is going to beat the odds its me" .